Today's special: Chocolate sprinkle and sesamum cup cake!
Butter 100g
Self-raising flour 250g
Baking soda 1 tea-spoons
Sugar 100g
Egg 2 units
Milk 2 tea-spoons
1. Mix the melting butter and sugar together,
2. Till it gets smooth, mix flour, baking soda, egg and milk together.
This is Yue, a Chinese guy from my International Student House. He is quite a good listener and always care about other people than himself.
This is Jie. A brave girl that traveled almost around the Europe! She did good on sweet stuff too.
3. Put the dough on the small cart. Spread some chocolate sprinkles and sesamum on it.
Everybody did a great job.
Leo, in the middle, is also a friendly guy. He is really helpful and always does not hesitate to help people.
All of us!!! Best of team ever!
Yue did a great job on taking them out. It is about 165 degrees and bake it for 15 min.
Look how gorgeous they are! ;D
Everybody is happy!
Some of them are going to leave. I will miss you, Jie and Leo! :D