Mar 12, 2012

Braised Pork

Hello everyone!
It's time for Taiwanese Foooooood!
I stole my mom's recipe again, because I miss it SO much!!! :)
This is one of my favorite----Braised Pork!
MOM!!! I LOVE YOU!!!! 

Soya Sauce
Rock Sugar  2 teaspoon

1. Blanch pork for1-2 min.

2. Take it out from boil water.

3. Put two teaspoon rock sugar in it.(The amount of water should be less than 1 glass.)

4. Cut the pork in pieces.

 5. Slice the garlic and ginger into pieces and fried them with oil.

6. Put soya sauce and alcohol into it for 1 min.

7. Boil the sauce and sugar water together. Then put sliced pork into it. It could take 1 hour to get them ready.

 8. When the color turn like this brown, put them into the RICE COOKER! :) In case it get burned if you don't take care of them carefully. ^^

 By the way, you could cook rice first before you start cooking braised pork.

 It will only take another half hour if you use rice cooker.

9. It's done!!!! :)

You could possibly boil some eggs and put them into braised pork. They do taste good! :) I love those eggs much better than pork. ;p

 This is Moesstraat common rooooooom! Such a nice place! A lot of flags except Taiwan's. I FORGOT to bring Taiwan's flag here....... >"<

 Have a good time with cooking Taiwanese food. All Taiwanese things pump out of my mind all of a sudden!
 So proud of being a daughter of my mommmmm, and so proud of being a Taiwanese too. 


Wendy Teng said...

It looks delicious!^,^

Wendy Teng said...
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Tiffany said...

Thanks~~~ :)

fordream said...

it's sooooooooooooooo nice! i love this food!

fordream said...

it's sooooooooooooooo nice! i love this food!

Eva said...

it was AWESOME!!!!!!I can't believe it was you first time to cook it...yummy!~~~~~~~

Anonymous said...

I had a bite and It was so goooooood hehe

Tiffany, guess who I am :)

Tiffany said...

To Eva and the other Anonymous,
I'm so happy that you like it.
I'll keep working:)