Mar 15, 2012

Chocolate Cup-cake! :)

Hello everybody,
Today I'm going to introduce you CHOCOLATE CUP-CAKE!!
It's perfect for dessert since it's not too big and not too oily.

Butter 110g
Cocoa Powder 50 g
Sugar 100 g
Flour 150g
Baking soda 7g
Egg 2 units
Milk 80 g

1. Get 110g butter and put it into microwave for 15 sec. (Or put it under normal temperature, let it softened by itself)

2. Mix 100g sugar with butter.

3. Add 2 eggs into it. (Note: Mix the egg separately, namely one by one.)

4. Pour 50g Cocoa powder, 150g flour, 7g baking soda and 80g milk.Mix it with the dough.

5. Pour the dough into the cupbase.

6. Set oven in 165 degrees for 5 min. Put the cupcake into the oven in 165 degrees for 15 minutes.

7. Take it out from the oven and let it cool down a bit. Then it's done! :)

Enjoy your dessert :)


I took some pictures of Groningen.
So happy that I live in such a beautiful city.

 My uni- RUG

That't it! :)
Hope you will like it^^

1 comment:

Bethy said...

Looks so good, can't wait to try that out some time! And Groningen is nice, I took some pictures yesterday when the sun was shining!!! =)